Tailwind CSS,, apaan itu ya? yuk kita intip dulu sebentar

 Apa itu Tailwinds CSS

"A Utility-first CSS Framerowk that packed with classes"

Tailwinds CSS merupakan Sebuah Unitlity First Framework yang didalamnya terdapat banyak kelas

silahkan dilihat disini untuk lengkapnya : TAILWINDS CSS

sebelumnya kita harus tau dulu apa itu Utility-first 


  1. Dibuat oleh Adam Wathan, 1 November 2017
  2. Saat ini sudah Versi 3.0.7
  3. https://github.com/RoniAndarsyah/Tailwindcss (Fork)
Utilities :
  1. Preflight : CSS Reset property default yang ada dari HTML
  2. Layout
  3. Flexbox & Grid
  4. Spacing & Sizing
  5. Typography
  6. Background & Border
  7. Efect & Filter
  8. Transition, Transpormation & Animation
  9. Tables


For full documentation, visit tailwindcss.com.


For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:

Discuss Tailwind CSS on GitHub

For casual chit-chat with others using the framework:

Join the Tailwind CSS Discord Server


If you're interested in contributing to Tailwind CSS, please read our contributing docs before submitting a pull request.

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